Hi, I'm Hemina Shah, Wordsmith and Founder of Shah.ink

Private English Tutoring

I specialise in private English tutoring for Year 1 to Year 6 students offering young learners various skills and strategies. Notably, my approach helps them improve their reading and writing abilities. 

Students are especially supported in building strong vocabulary and comprehension skills through tailored activities. We work together on reading aloud and discuss the meaning of words and phrases in their context. As a result, my students grow in their writing skills. Further, I continually encourage students to apply the basics of grammar, sentence structure, and paragraph organisation taught in lessons. 

I have helped several students be accepted to selective schools with my tuition.

Tuition for Years 7 to 9 students focuses exclusively on the writing component, as many students are preparing for their selective/scholarship exams.

As a creative writer and author, I have formed strategies to help young learners write with imagination and creativity. Yes, the same methods work with persuasive writing too!

Ultimately I aim to provide an enriching experience for all learners!

Content Writer Wordsmith

As a content writer , I prepare engaging, informative, relevant and shareable content that appeals to client target audiences.

Manuscript Editor

Providing manuscript assessments and as a copy editor or proof reader for clients means I deliver a high-quality end-result manuscript. My keen eye for detail and ability to quickly spot inconsistencies, plot holes, and other issues is critical. Any feedback is intended to be constructive. And our collaborative efforts enhance the manuscript's overall quality. Manuscript editing services in Australia and globally are available.


As a ghostwriter of children's books, I will work with you to create engaging and entertaining stories in your name. Your stories will be age-appropriate and suitable for your target audience. And I also work closely with you to develop the characters, plot, and setting while maintaining your voice and vision. Along with my private English tutor experience and proofreading and editing for clients, my input means higher-engaging children's stories. 


Shah.ink is based in Melbourne, Australia, wordsmithing with clients and tutoring students locally and globally.

How can I help you?

Send your enquiry here.